Resolved a crash issue in AppBanner when targeting an attribute whose value is an array type while performing pushSubscriptionAttributeValue or setSubscriptionAttribute.
1.34.20 (22.01.2025)
setSubscriptionAttribute, addSubscriptionTag/Tags, and removeSubscriptionTag/Tags are now synchronized to ensure thread-safe operations and consistent updates.
Added the setSubscriptionAttributes method to allow setting multiple key-value pairs in a single request for improved efficiency.
1.34.19 (07.01.2025)
Fixed an issue in AppBanner where banners with images were laggy when displayed.
Ensured that the Open URL action in AppBanner is always executed as the last action.
Added a feature to display AppBanner while the app is in the foreground upon receiving a silent push notification.
1.34.18 (17.12.2024)
Added support for Firebase Messing Version 24.
Optimized notificationOpenedCallback for notifications by adding the setCustomNotificationActivityEnabled method, allowing to launch a custom activity through notificationOpenedCallback by setting setCustomNotificationActivityEnabled(true)
1.34.17 (28.11.2024)
Optimized trackStoryOpened for StoryView statistics
1.34.16 (22.11.2024)
Added copyToClipboard method to HTML app banners
1.34.15 (22.11.2024)
Optimized trackStoryShown for StoryView statistics
Added support for getSubscriptionAttribute in AppBanner's HTML block.
1.34.14 (19.11.2024)
Optimized the loading animation in StoryView, with the border visibility set to gone.
Added a new trigger for AppBanner: Days since installation.
Added a feature in AppBanner to set the frequency for displaying the banner every X days.
1.34.13 (14.11.2024)
Optimized loading animation for StoryView(border_color_loading, border_color_loading_dark_mode).
1.34.12 (31.10.2024)
Made the context getter public for NotificationReceivedEvent in NotificationServiceExtension.
Added more customization option in StoryView. (title_max_text_size, title_min_text_size, sub_story_unread_count_badge_height, sub_story_unread_count_badge_width)
1.34.11 (21.10.2024)
Optimized StoryView for unreadCount.
1.34.10 (14.10.2024)
Optimized StoryView statistic tracking.
1.34.9 (08.10.2024)
Optimised dark mode support for StoryView using setDarkModeEnabled(boolean), which now applies dark or light mode based on system settings.
Fixed an issue in AppBanner where the app version filter with "between" targeting was not working.
Fixed an issue in AppBanner where background color was not set correctly if there was a trailing space.
1.34.8 (05.10.2024)
Optimised the StoryView to support automated resuming of stories after opening a URL inside a story
1.34.7 (04.10.2024)
Optimised the StoryView and added more customization options support dark mode UI.(border_color_dark_mode, background_color_dark_mode, text_color_dark_mode, sub_story_unread_count_background_color_dark_mode, sub_story_unread_count_text_color_dark_mode)
1.34.6 (26.09.2024)
Track confirm-alert statistics also on denied notification permissions.
1.34.5 (24.09.2024)
Optimised the StoryView, and Added support for grouping stories.
1.34.4 (17.09.2024)
Optimized StoryView by removing the margin when unread_count_visibility is not set to visible.
Fixed an issue in StoryView where stories couldn't be opened when implementing setOpenedListener.
1.34.3 (13.09.2024)
Optimised the StoryView and added more customization options (restrict_to_items, story_icon_height_percentage)
Added a feature in AppBanner's HTML block to support for navigating to the next or previous screen, as well as jumping to a specific screen.
1.34.2 (04.09.2024)
Added a feature in the StoryView and implemented the track-opened and track-shown APIs for the story widget.
Fixed an issue in SetTrackingConsent where, when setting SetTrackingConsent(false), attributes and tags were not being removed.
1.34.1 (29.08.2024)
Added a feature in AppBanner to support trackEvent in actions on buttons and images.
1.34.0 (20.08.2024)
Added more customization option in StoryView. (border_margin, border_width, close_button_position, title_position, restrict_to_three_items, sub_story_unread_count_visibility, sub_story_unread_count_background_color, sub_story_unread_count_text_color, sort_to_last_index)
1.33.28 (09.08.2024)
Fixed the issue whereby removeSubscriptionTopic and addSubscriptionTopic were not functioning correctly when the internet was unavailable.
Resolves issue in getNotifications, notification not updated correctly.
1.33.27 (25.07.2024)
Fixed an issue in TopiDialog, In dark mode text was not showing in MaterialComponents.Light theme
1.33.26 (23.07.2024)
Optimised the setConfirmAlertShown function.
1.33.25 (12.07.2024)
Migrate default shared preferences to CleverPush shared preferences
Added feature in AppBanner, Trigger: Has Push Permission via System
Added ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission for GeoFence
1.33.24 (25.06.2024)
Fixed an issue in AppBanner where the banner image is not displaying according to scale when banner position is center, top or bottom.
1.33.23 (20.06.2024)
Fixed an issue in AppBanner where the banner would not close when an URL was opened in the web view.
1.33.22 (17.06.2024)
Added more customization option in StoryView. (story_icon_corner_radius, story_icon_space, story_icon_shadow, border_visibility)
Added feature in AppBanner to support event property filters in targeting section.
1.33.21 (03.06.2024)
Resolved an issue in HTML AppBanner. It was not scrollable.
Optimize the InitializeListener for init(Added onInitializationSuccess and onInitializationFailure methods).
1.33.20 (29.05.2024)
For NON-HTML AppBanner the Content needs to be centred vertically.
Optimised close button in WebView for AppBanner.
1.33.19 (03.05.2024)
Resolved the issue of ConcurrentModificationException in setTrackingConsent
Optimised conversion tracking. Pass lastClickedNotificationId in trackEvent if it was within 60 minutes of the trackEvent call.
1.33.18 (22.04.2024)
Resolved the issue of ConcurrentModificationException in setTrackingConsent
1.33.17 (19.04.2024)
Optimised setsubscriptionchanged function for ChatView
Optimize close button position for HTML Banner.
1.33.16 (10.04.2024)
Added a feature in AppBanner to support geo fence in actions on buttons and images.
1.33.15 (03.04.2024)
Resolved the issue of trackSessionStart. Now, trackSessionStart is called whenever a user subscribes.
Added a feature in AppBanner to support multiple actions on buttons and images.
1.33.14 (29.03.2024)
Resolved the issue of trackSessionStart. Now, trackSessionStart is called whenever a user subscribes.
Implemented setBadgeCount and getBadgeCount methods for managing the notification badge count.
Added a feature in AppBanner for the Deeplink Trigger condition.
1.33.13 (26.03.2024)
Fixed a potential crash in push notification for deeplink
1.33.12 (22.03.2024)
Fixed a potential crash in HMS and FCM after getting a push notification for Android version less than 26.
1.33.11 (14.03.2024)
Optimized TCF2 API, do not replay queued events after consent is given
1.33.10 (13.03.2024)
Optimized removing of tags and attributes after revoking tracking consent
Optimized TCF2 API, do not replay queued events after consent is given
1.33.9 (12.03.2024)
Fixed a bug in TCF, When update the consent update the status immediate.
Fixed a bug in update badge count.
Fixed a potential crash when push URL is null in deeplink.
Optimized layout for app banners with multiple buttons
Implemented setCustomActivity method
Optimized ActivityLifecycleListener behaviour
Implemented SubscribeCallbackListener which can be passed as an argument to the subscribe method
Disable subscribe calls when notification permission has been disabled.
Added version filters for app banners
Added multiple screen support for app banners without carousel
Implemented isAppOpen method used by Cordova SDK
Implemented triggerFollowUpEvent method
Implemented FCM onNewToken listener
Fixed topics dialog scrolling
Optimized Activity resume behaviour when notifications are opened
Implemented meta data entry for disabling default activity launching: <meta-data android:name="com.cleverpush.notification_open_activity_disabled" android:value="false" />
Fixed topics dialog behaviour on cancel
Implemented setIgnoreDisabledNotificationPermission to subscribe users, even when the notification permission has not been accepted (disabled by default).
Optimized topics dialog behaviour
Fixed a race condition when adding tag directly after subscribing
Keep image aspect ratio in TEXT_WITH_IMAGE notification style
Make sure tags are added and removed one after another to prevent race conditions
Optimized Notification category setup
Added condition in ActivityLifecycleListener to prevent NPE in Android 7
Optimized edge case in parseColor utility method
Reverted SerializedName change in Notification class
Further optimized cursor pagination for getNotificationsCombined
Optimized cursor pagination for getNotificationsCombined
Added pagination cursor for getNotifications call
Updated several dependencies (AndroidX, maximum FCM & Google play services versions)
Added more try-catch handlers to prevent crashes in edge cases
Added safety check in ActivityLifecycleListener to prevent NPE
Added getAppBanners method
Added App Banner targeting filter: subscribed state
Added removeNotification(id) method
Optimized createdAt field for Notification class
Do not use Topics Dialog title from config if it's empty
Optimized displaying of app banners - wait until root view is ready
Added ability to disable nightmode adaption via disableNightModeAdaption() (e.g. for topics dialog checkboxes)
Further optimized getInstance calls to CleverPush main class from AppBannerModule
Optimized getInstance calls to CleverPush main class from AppBannerModule
Fixed Release
Optimized setUpNotificationCategoryGroups function to prevent exception
Fixed another NullPointerException in App Banners when Activity is null
Automatically set up notification categories on init
Fixed NullPointerException in App Banners when Activity is null
Fixed NullPointerException when opening App Banner URL in WebView
Added ability to set listeners outside of init methods
Automatically re-sync when device token changes (might happen during development)
Add ability to specify custom Notification Styles
Updates for Android 12
Delayed CleanUpService start until first Activity is ready
Added new getNotifications(true, callback) method which can combine notifications from local storage and from the API
Fixed ActivityLifecycleListener removing CleverPush instance too early
Improved 'autoRegister: true' behaviour when user has unsubscribed.
Fixed NotificationOpenedHandler firing twice when re-opening app from background
Addressed possible memory leaks
Optimized app review feedback email
Added App Stories
Added methods for adding / removing multiple tags at once
Improved Topics Dialog behaviour
App Banners: Optimized app banner behaviour
Optimized behaviour for downloading Notification images
Added ProGuard consumer rules
App Banners: prevent showing multiple banners at the same time
App Banners: Validate "stopAt" field for banners triggered manually or by notification
Catch FCM exceptions in onReceivedMessage listener to prevent crash on invalid payloads
Added pushSubscriptionAttribute, pullSubscriptionAttribute and hasSubscriptionAttributeValue methods for array attributes
Result from getSubscriptionAttributes added to Map<String, Object>
Improved style of topics dialog
Improved Behaviour of App Banners
Improved internal storage of received notifications
Improved Behaviour of App Banners
Optimized Topics Dialog for Dark Mode
Optimized Topics Dialog behaviour when shown multiple times
Improved App Banner Positions (Top, Center, Bottom)
Added Support for Firebase SDK 22+
Improved "Uncheck all topics" behaviour
Added methods for enabling an disabling App Banners
Improved App Banner Layout for tablets
Improved App Banner Conditions
New App Banner block type: HTML
Support custom fonts in App Banner
Open App Banner via Notification
Improved behaviour of automatic incrementing of badge count
Introduced optional 'Deselect all' checkbox in TopicsDialog (can be enabled in your CleverPush topic settings).
Support app banners with HTML content
Optimized silent notifications
Added support for silent push notifications
Provide new methods for tracking deliveries and clicks when using the NotificationExtenderService with own Notifications
Updated to latest Firebase dependencies
Resolved a race condition where the NotificationOpenedHandler might yield the wrong notification for multiple notification received at the exact same time.
Added extra null check for subscription_id (#4)
Allow notifications with empty titles
Custom Data support for Topics
Fixed translation
Fixed Notification colors
Added ability to specify a Theme ID (…) for the Topics Dialog
Use AlertDialog from AndroidX
Fixed Exception in NotificationCategory class
Added platform name to App Banner path to make filtering by platform possible in the backend.
Add try-catch black inside NotificationExtenderService
Clear subscription data incl. Topics, Tags and Attributes when changing Channel ID
Allow automatic automatic replacing of active Notifications in status bar when the same Tag / ID is used.
Fixes for App Banner Images
New App Banners
Added externalId to ChannelTopics
Reset Channel Config when Channel ID changes in init
Added enableDevelopmentMode to bypass config cache
Automatically re-subscribe when Channel ID changes
Fixed sorting of getAvailableTopics result
Fixed empty FCM ID when calling subscribe before init has finished